More lies: The police did not investigate Sterling Stover in 2006 at the request of the school. This was initiated after both I and subsequently my wife gave evidence to officers of Thames Valley Police.

The facility with which Floyd lies takes my breath away.

Here are Bruern Abbey School’s attempts to put parents at ease.

For clarification: Floyd alleges that I threatened him and his family. This is not quite true. I admit that in January 2020 I dropped into the school unannounced and talked with him privately in his study, which is in the main house and away from classrooms. At no point did I encounter any of the boys, nor would I ever wish them to witness an angry confrontation. In the course of this meeting, I lost my rag with Floyd when he persisted with his lies about Sterling Stover’s involvement with the school. In the heat of the moment I said: “Lie to me one more time and I’ll give you a slap.” (Obviously, I didn’t do that.)

That’s it.

As for threatening his family, this is an outright lie, designed to solicit sympathy. What I actually said was: “You would be taking this much more seriously if it was one of your children who had been raped.” (Floyd had previously and of his own free will divulged to me his family status, including the number and sexes of his children.)