For six or so years I have been seeking a meeting with the current headmaster of Bruern Abbey School. Here is a selection of our email correspondence, including the proven lie about Sterling Stover’s continued involvement with the school.

From: Rob Jessel <>
Date: Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 6:13 PM
Subject: Jerry Stover
To: <>

Hi John,

Long time, no speak! We never did have that meeting, did we? - you know, the one we were going to arrange after your lawyers said that it wouldn't be a problem.

Well, what with all the recent news about the football coach sexual abuse scandal, it made me think that I really haven't been brave enough about fulfilling my responsibilities to those at risk of Mr Jerry Stover's offending.

When would be a good time to meet up for a chat? Fridays are perfect for me; alternatively, we can have chinwag at the Carol Service at St Mary's on the 15th which, as a former member of the choir, I am looking forward to tremendously. 

Let me know what works best for you.


From: John Floyd <>
Date: Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: Jerry Stover
To: Rob Jessel <>

Dear Rob,

So sorry for the slow reply, I didn’t spot this email.

I too take my safeguarding duties very seriously and I can assure you that any concerns you have raised with me have been passed on to all the relevant authorities. I would be happy to talk and certainly there will be an old boy event next term or in the summer – usually at the weekend so maybe we can meet up then? If not I am free of this Friday and have some time free next Tuesday in London if that’s closer to where you now live.

Yours sincerely,


It looked at this point as if I would get this coveted meeting with Floyd. I think we even arranged a date and time, but he then cancelled on me - by phone if I remember. It was a while ago.

From: Rob Jessel <>
Date: Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: Jerry Stover
To: John Floyd <>

It's only busy-ness that's kept me from taking action (and by action, I mean educating parents about the continued threat to their children). With my current contract ending at the end of the year, and with my life falling to pieces, I find myself at a bit of a loose end. So forget meeting up. It makes no difference. You're probably in on it too. But I'll do what I have to do to die knowing I've done my best.

From: John Floyd <>
Date: Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Jerry Stover
To: Rob Jessel <>

Dear Mr Jessel,

I find it deeply offensive that you have accused me of being a threat to the children under my care. You have never met me.

I have followed all correct protocols and involved all the correct organisations in response to your claims. I have also now written to operation Hydrant over the Christmas break to make them aware of your concerns. I strongly suggest that if you do wish to raise your concerns again you do so, as repeatedly advised, through the OSCB. I have copied in their last email to you below, as this includes their contact details.

Yours sincerely,

 John Floyd

Correspondence highlighting the failure of Barry Armstrong, Oxfordshire’s Local Authority Designated Officer. He never even bothered to speak to me. I tried calling him repeatedly, but no one ever picked up the phone.

Mr Jessel,

As you are aware the Headteacher of the above named school contacted me in relation to a historical concern regarding a member or ex member of staff. You may not be aware but the LADO role, within every Local Authority, is to have oversight and management of all cases where allegations have been made about professionals who work with children. Clearly your concern predates my time but the information about the case is still accessible.

I have now had a chance to look at the details and correspondence  relating to this case . As you may be aware the concerns about potential abuse of students by the named member of staff were fully investigated by the police when the allegations came to light  but this investigation resulted in no further action being required as there was no evidence to support the allegations.

No further action of course means that the member of staff at the centre of the allegations was innocent [italics added] and as such there would be no requirement for any employer to take any further action , including additional supervision or any other action .

I can see from your email that you wish to discuss this matter with the head teacher but actually as this issue has been resolved there is really no further discussion to be had and it would not be appropriate for the Headteacher to engage in a conversation with you on this matter, especially if this conversation contained opinions that have not been evidenced, as this could be seen as potentially libellous or slanderous.  

If you have further concerns and are able to provide evidence to support the claims then the correct agencies to contact are either Thames Valley Police or myself as the LADO. Neither I nor police however will re-open a case without new evidence .

I hope this clarifies the position for you.


Barry Armstrong, Local Authority Designated Officer, Safeguarding Team, Oxfordshire County Council,

From: Rob Jessel <>
Date: Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: Jerry Stover
To: John Floyd <>

You know what - forget it. Just watch that man Stover. Don't let him fuck anyone else's life. 

On 09/01/2017 6:53 AM, "Rob Jessel" <> wrote:

I care nothing for your feelings of offence. So you won't meet me? No matter. I know where to meet the parents. 

From: John Floyd <>
Date: Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 10:41 PM
Subject: Sterling has sold up
To: <>

Dear Rob,

You have written to the admissions email address. This is my direct address which you should have after our previous exchanges. Please email me if you wish to discuss things.

I also believe you will be pleased to hear that Sterling has sold Bruern Abbey to a school group called Bellevue Education. If you look at our website you will now see that the governors mentioned in the policies etc... no longer include him. Sterling now spends most of his time in America. [emphasis added]

If you feel you would like to relay your concerns to our new Safeguarding governor Chris Sanderson I will put you in touch.

Yours sincerely,


Two months later, I saw Sterling Stover sitting next to John Floyd in the front pew at the school carol service. As we used to say at school: “Busted.”